Upcoming Vega & Vega-C Rocket Launches to Space, Livestreams & Events

All Vega & Vega-C dates are estimates based on the latest available information and may change
  • NET (No Earlier Than)
  • TBC (To Be Confirmed)
  • TBD (To Be Determined)

ESA Ariane Vega VV24 Sentinel-2C


NET September

Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace VegaEuropean Space Agency (ESA) VegaAvio Space Systems VegaCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeESA Sentinel-2Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO 5⃣ more Copernicus Sentinel satellites now have a ticket to space 🚀 A contract signed today between ESA & Arianespace has ensured rides into orbit for Sentinel-1D, Sentinel-2C, Sentinel-3C, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide-A & -B satellites

Copernicus Sentinel-1c

ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-1C



Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Return to Flight Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeSentinel-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO Scheduled to liftoff in the first half of 2023, the Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite has arrived safely at [the] Thales Alenia Space plant in Cannes, France. Now it's time for some more tests 👩‍🔬🛰️

Copernicus Sentinel-1c

ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-1D



Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeSentinel-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO 5⃣ more Copernicus Sentinel satellites now have a ticket to space 🚀 A contract signed today between ESA & Arianespace has ensured rides into orbit for Sentinel-1D, Sentinel-2C, Sentinel-3C, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide-A & -B satellites

Copernicus Sentinel-1c

ESA Ariane Vega-C EAGLE-1



Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CQuantum Key Distribution (QKD) Satellite (QKDSat)SES EAGLE-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@SES_Satellites SES News: We're excited to share that Arianespace will launch the EAGLE-1 satellite for ESA’s end-to-end Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system in 2024! 🚀


ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-3C



Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeESA Sentinel-3Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO 5⃣ more Copernicus Sentinel satellites now have a ticket to space 🚀 A contract signed today between ESA & Arianespace has ensured rides into orbit for Sentinel-1D, Sentinel-2C, Sentinel-3C, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide-A & -B satellites

Copernicus Sentinel-1c

ESA Ariane Vega-C KARI Kompsat-6



Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-C • South Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) KOrean Multi-Purpose SATellite-6 (Kompsat-6) • Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@Arianespace Today, we are proud to announce that we have signed a launch contract with KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) for the Earth observation 🛰 Kompsat-6. The satellite will be delivered to orbit by Vega-C as early as December 2024. 🚀

Artist's view of Vega-C on the launch pad

ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel CO2M-A


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO 5⃣ more Copernicus Sentinel satellites now have a ticket to space 🚀 A contract signed today between ESA & Arianespace has ensured rides into orbit for Sentinel-1D, Sentinel-2C, Sentinel-3C, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide-A & -B satellites

Copernicus Sentinel CO2M

ESA Ariane Vega-C IRDE-1


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CItalian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) IRDEThales Alenia Space IRDED-Orbit IRIDE NOXSun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@Arianespace We are proud to announce at SAT Show a new contract signed with the Italian government for the deployment of the IRIDE Earth observation constellation with 3 Vega-C launches to be scheduled from end of 2025 onwards!


ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel CO2M-B


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ESA_EO 5⃣ more Copernicus Sentinel satellites now have a ticket to space 🚀 A contract signed today between ESA & Arianespace has ensured rides into orbit for Sentinel-1D, Sentinel-2C, Sentinel-3C, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide-A & -B satellites

Copernicus Sentinel CO2M

ESA Ariane Vega-C ClearSpace-1


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CClearSpace-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

@ClearspaceToday 📣 Exciting news for the first active debris removal mission! ClearSpace just signed a contract with Arianespace for the launch of its servicer spacecraft ClearSpace-1 with the European launcher Vega C. ClearSpace-1 will rendezvous, capture, and remove a piece of space debris as the world's first mission commissioned by the ESA, and supported by Elite partner Omega Watches


Recent Videos of Vega & Vega-C Rocket Launches to Space & Events

ESA Ariane Vega VV23 SSMS #5 Rideshare


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega VV23 Attempt #2 • European Space Agency (ESA) VegaAvio Space Systems VegaSmall Satellites Mission Service (SSMS) | SAB Launch Services (SAB-LS) • 12 Spacecraft • Thai Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) THEOS-2Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) FORMOSAT-7R / TRITON (Wind Hunter)Three Advanced Nanosatellite Systems for Earth-observation Research (ANSER)ESTCube-2OQ Technology MACSAT | Kongsberg NanoAvionicsPassive REflecTometry and dosimeTrY (PRETTY)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous OrbitPress Kit

ESA Ariane Vega-C Maiden Flight VV21 LARES-2


Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-C VV21 Maiden Flight • European Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CP120C First StageZefiro-40 Second StageZefiro-9 Third StageAVUM+ Upper StageTRISAT-RMTCube-2CELESTALow Earth Orbit (LEO)AstroBio CubeSat (ABCS)GreencubeARCA Dynamics ALPHANPC SpacemindItalian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) LARES-2Laser Relativity Satellite (LARES)Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)Press Kit

Schedule of Upcoming Vega & Vega-C Rocket Launches to Space, Livestreams & Events

All Vega & Vega-C dates are estimates based on the latest available information and may change
  • NET (No Earlier Than)
  • TBC (To Be Confirmed)
  • TBD (To Be Determined)
NET SeptemberESA Ariane Vega VV24 Sentinel-2CEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace VegaEuropean Space Agency (ESA) VegaAvio Space Systems VegaCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeESA Sentinel-2Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
NET 2024-11-15 TBC UTCESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-1CEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Return to Flight Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeSentinel-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2024ESA Ariane Vega-C Biomass Earth Explorer 7Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CBiomass Earth Explorer 7Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2024ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-1DEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeSentinel-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2024ESA Ariane Vega-C EAGLE-1Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CQuantum Key Distribution (QKD) Satellite (QKDSat)SES EAGLE-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2024ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-3CEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeESA Sentinel-3Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2024ESA Ariane Vega-C KARI Kompsat-6Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-C • South Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) KOrean Multi-Purpose SATellite-6 (Kompsat-6) • Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2025ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel-3DEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeESA Sentinel-3Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2025ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel CO2M-AEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2025ESA Ariane Vega-C IRDE-1Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CItalian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) IRDEThales Alenia Space IRDED-Orbit IRIDE NOXSun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2026ESA Ariane Vega-C Sentinel CO2M-BEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CCopernicus Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit
2026ESA Ariane Vega-C ClearSpace-1Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-CEuropean Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CClearSpace-1Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous Orbit

Last Updated:

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Recent Vega & Vega-C Rocket Launches to Space & Events

2023-10-09 01:36 UTCESA Ariane Vega VV23 SSMS #5 RideshareEnsemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega VV23 Attempt #2 • European Space Agency (ESA) VegaAvio Space Systems VegaSmall Satellites Mission Service (SSMS) | SAB Launch Services (SAB-LS) • 12 Spacecraft • Thai Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) THEOS-2Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) FORMOSAT-7R / TRITON (Wind Hunter)Three Advanced Nanosatellite Systems for Earth-observation Research (ANSER)ESTCube-2OQ Technology MACSAT | Kongsberg NanoAvionicsPassive REflecTometry and dosimeTrY (PRETTY)Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) | Heliosynchronous OrbitPress Kit
2022-12-21 01:47 UTCESA Ariane Vega-C Pléiades Neo 5 & 6 VV22 (Zoom In)Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-C VV22European Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CP120C First StageZefiro-40 Second StageZefiro-9 Third StageAVUM+ Upper StageAirbus Pléiades NeoZefiro-40 Second Stage Anomaly • Press Kit
2022-07-13 13:13 UTCESA Ariane Vega-C Maiden Flight VV21 LARES-2Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) • Guiana Space Centre | Centre spatial guyanais (CSG) • French Guiana • Arianespace Vega-C VV21 Maiden Flight • European Space Agency (ESA) Vega-CAvio Space Systems Vega-CP120C First StageZefiro-40 Second StageZefiro-9 Third StageAVUM+ Upper StageTRISAT-RMTCube-2CELESTALow Earth Orbit (LEO)AstroBio CubeSat (ABCS)GreencubeARCA Dynamics ALPHANPC SpacemindItalian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) LARES-2Laser Relativity Satellite (LARES)Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)Press Kit

Last Updated: